호딩이 2010. 1. 11. 18:49


TRU64 - General Administration

# sizer -v (To view OS version and revision)
# psrinfo -v (To view all processors status)
# vmstat -P (Displays memory and related information)
# consvar -l (List firmware console environment variables)
# uerf -R (Outputs System Event reports)
# collect -sn -i 1 | egrep -e 'Name' -e 'tu0' (To check the speed of your adapter using collect)
# ipcs (Give info on Message Queues, Shared Memory, Semaphores)
# netstat -m (Shows information about memory allocated to the data structures
  associated with network operations)

# netstat -s (Shows statistics for each protocol)
# netstat -i (Show state of configured network interfaces)
# niffconfig -v (Display parameters for all interfaces that are being monitored including NetRAIN i/f monitoring).
# lmf list (Verify that system has the LSM license registered & loaded)
# collect -sf (Outputs info on file system subsystem)
# btcreate -t tape_device (Creates a bootable tape)
# dupatch -track -type kit -nolog (To list Patch Kits)
# dupatch -track -type patch -nolog (To list patches)
# sys_check -escalate (To report problems to your technical support organization)
# sys_check > file.html (Report in HTML format)
# sys_check -all > file.html (Entire system report in HTML format)
# sys_check -perf > file.html (Outputs only performance information)
# sys_check -frame -noquick (Entire system report in HTML output with frames)

# sysman config_report (Starts the SysMan Menu config_report)
# sysconfig -q envmon (Check the status of the environmental monitoring subsystem)
# envconfig -c ENVMON_CONFIGURED=1 (To configure the envmond daemon and reboot the system)
# rcmgr set ENVMON_CONFIGURED 1 (Enabling envmond daemon)
# envconfig -c ENVMON_GRACE_PERIOD=10 (This will shutdown the system after 10mins. if the sytem
  does not fall below the critical threshold)
# rcmgr set INSIGHTD_CONF NO (To prevent startup of insightd daemon)
# rcmgr set SNMPEVMD NO (Prevent startup of evm snmp trap handler daemon)
# sysconfig -r proc exec_disable_arg_limit=1 (Use when U encounter "arg list too long" error
# /usr/sbin/clu_get_info -full (To determine the version of the TruCluster software running)
# /usr/sbin/wol [nw_interface] hw_address (Send network packet to power on target system [wake-on-LAN])
# asemgr -dv (To Administers an Available Server Environment. An infrastructure is provided
  to move applications from one member to another in the event of failure.)
# mailq (To view summary of mail messages queued)
# sendmail -q (To process the saved messages in the queue)
# /usr/bin/X11/xhost + (Enable X Windows sessions for remote users [generally not recommended])

# /usr/bin/X11/xhost - (Disable X Windows sessions for remote users)

TRU64 - Disk Administration

# disklabel -r rzb32 (To read disklabel info of the disk)
# showfdmn domain_name (To view disk details)
# showfsets domain_name (To view file sets of a domain)
# rmfset (To delete filesets)
# chfsets -b 1000 -f 200 account_dmn credit_fs (To change file hard limit from 11 to 200 and block
  hard limit from 121 to 1000 for the credit_fs fileset in the account_dmn)

# rmfset domain fileset (To remove a file set from a given domain)
# mkfdmn /dev/rz1c accounts_dmn (To create domains for given disk)
# mkfset accounts_dmn credit_fs (To create file sets for given domain)
# addvol /dev/rz1c accounts_dmn (adds a new volume to an active file domain)

# balance accounts_dmn (and then to balance the even distribution of files over all of the volumes)

# dsfmgr -m dsk7 dsk0 (Renames dsk7 to dsk0)
# dsfmgr -e dsk7 dsk0 (Exchanges the device special files for the named nodes)

# dn_setup -clean (Deletes all devices files (everything under /dev and /device)
# dn_setup -init (Recreates all device files)
# dsfmgr -K (Creates all device special files)

# hwmgr -view dev (To view all the devices in the system)
# hwmgr -view hierarchy (To view the hierarchy of hardware within your system)
# hwmgr -show scsi -full (Show SCSI/CAM devices, with access paths)
# hwmgr -delete scsi -did 1 (Cleans a particular scsi entry)
# hwmgr -delete component -id XX (To delete the component ID of a particular disk)
# hwmgr -show component (Display hardware components from the hardware component databases)
# hwmgr -scan component (Scans the system for new hardware components)
# hwmgr -refresh component (Removes obsolete hardware entries from all databases)
# hwmgr -flash light (The disk will attempt to flash the activity light)

On TRU64 Clusters

# caa_stat (To Provide status on Cluster Application Availability [CAA])
# caa_stat -a dhcp -g ; echo $? (To determine the status of DHCP registered resource with the return code)
# caa_stat -a dhcp -r ; echo $? (To determine the status of DHCP running resource with the return code)
# caa_stop -f autofs (Stop AutoFS by entering the following command on the member)
# caa_relocate -s current_member -c target_member (Perform the manual relocation of other applications running
 on that member)

# caa_startautofs -c target_member (to restart AutoFS on a member)

TRU64 - Account Administration
# useradd -u 26890 -g bcs -c "Simon Charlie" -m -d /home/sim -s /usr/bin/ksh sim
# usermod -x administrative_lock_applied=0 user_name # To unlock a user account when disabled
# usermod -x grace_limit=1 user_name # To reset grace limit only after v5.1
# usermod -x passwd_lifetime=0 user_name # To reset password life time

# usermod -G group username # To add a user to a secondary group

# usermod -l smith johnsmith (To change name of the username)

# useradd -u 7033 -o -g 15 -c "Agent Smith,333" -d /usr/users/smith -s /bin/false asmith (To create a duplicate UID user)

# usermod -s /bin/csh -x distributed=1 abc (To change a shell and update that in NIS database)

# /tcb/bin/edauth -g username # To view a user account details

# /tcb/bin/edauth username # To edit the user account details

# /tcb/bin/edauth -g -dd default # To view the defaults file

# /tcb/bin/edauth -dd default # Edit defaults file

# /tcb/bin/edauth -g -dt # Can set login timeouts for terminals

# /tcb/bin/edauth -r username # To delete a user from auth.db

# /usr/tcb/bin/edauth -g username | sed 's/:u_retired:/:/' | /usr/tcb/bin/edauth -s # To get rid of retire entry


# /usr/lbin/hsxterm -f /dev/rrz88c # Host Port CLI Terminal Emulator

# /usr/lbin/hsxterm -b10 -t1 -l0 (HSXterm, Host Port CLI Terminal Emulator)

TRU64 - Using MT

# mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 rewind (To rewind tape0)

# mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 offline (To rewind and offline the tape0)

# mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 online (To bring tape0 to online state)

# mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 unload (To eject tape0)

# mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 fsf 1 (To forward space files)

# mt -f /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 bsf 1 (To backspace space files)

TRU64 - Printing

# lpc stat rp123 (Checking the remote printer rp123 print spool)

# lpc status rp123 (Checking the remote printer rp123 print spool)

# lpc restart rp123 (Restart the remote printer daemon)

# lpc start rp123 (Starting the printing daemon)

# lpc stop rp123 (Stoping the printing daemon)

# lpc down rp123 (Disables print queuing and disables printing)

# lpc up rp123 (Enables print queuing and enables starts new printer daemon)

# lpc enable rp123 (Enabling print spooling)

# lpc disable rp123 (Disabling print spooling)

# lpc abort rp123 (Terminates spooling daemon disables printing)

# lpc clean rp123 (Cleans jobs from the spool)

# lpq -P (Displays requests queued for that printer only)

# lprm -P (Removes requests from the line printer spooling queue)


# volprint -Ath (To view entire LSM Disk groups)

# voldisk list (Prints list of disks)

# volprint -g ictdg (To view a particular disk group)

# voldctl list (The following command checks the status of /etc/vol/volboot)

# voldctl mode (The following command checks the status of vold)

# volstat -ff -v export_vol (Checking the number of failures on the volume)

# voldiskadm - Menu driven program to view, create, mirror, enable (online), disable volumes of disks

# volassist - Create, mirror, backup, grow, shrink, and move Logical Storage

# voldisk rm rz8 # Remove the disk from LSM

Plexing to Subdisk

# volprint -g dcsdata12dg (To print the disk group)

# volsd assoc data12-02 rzf49c-01 (Associate the plex to the sub-disk)

# volplex att data12 data12-02 (Attach the plex to the volume)

# volprint -Ath | grep data12 (Keep a track till STALE is gone)

Adding a mirrored system disk to the volboot file:

# voldctl add disk rz1 (Add the mirrored system disk to the volboot file)

# volencap rz0g (if UFS) OR # voladvdomencap usr_domain (if AdvFS) [Encapsulate the usr partition]

>>>set bootdef_dev dka0,dka100 [Shutdown your system now and change bootdef_dev to point to

   bothsystem disks and to reboot to encapsulate usr]

# disklabel -e rz1 [Edit the partition table of the rz1 (mirrored disk), to match the off-set and size of your usr]

# voldisk init rz1g type=nopriv [Make this new partition available to LSM as a nopriv disk]

# voldg adddisk rz1g

# volassist mirror vol-rz0g rz1g [Now mirror usr making sure it uses the rz1g disk (UFS File System)]

# volassist mirror volrz0g rz1g [for AdvFS filesystem]

How To Replace A Failed System Disk When Mirrored Through LSM:

# voldisk list


rz0 sliced - - error rz0b nopriv - - error

rz0g nopriv - - error rz0h nopriv - - error

rz1 sliced rz1 rootdg online rz1b nopriv

rz1b rootdg onlinerz1g nopriv

rz1g rootdg online rz1h nopriv

rz1h rootdg online- -

rz0 rootdg failed was:rz0 - -

rz0b rootdg failed was:rz0b- -

rz0g rootdg failed was:rz0g - -

advfs_rz0h rootdg failed was:rz0h

# volprint -ht





dg rootdg 823681228.1025.frick.alf.dec.com

dm advfs_rz0h - - - -

dm rz0 - - - -

dm rz0b - - - -

dm rz0g - - - -

dm rz1 rz1 sliced 512 131072 /dev/rrz1e

dm rz1b rz1b nopriv 0 261616 /dev/rrz1b

dm rz1g rz1g nopriv 0 819200 /dev/rrz1g

dm rz1h rz1h nopriv 0 838444 /dev/rrz1h

v rootvol root ENABLED ACTIVE 131072 ROUND

pl rootvol-01 rootvol DISABLED NODEVICE 131072 CONCAT - RW

sd rz0-01 rootvol-01 0 131056 16 rz0 -

sd rz0-02 rootvol-01 16 0 131056 rz0 -

pl rootvol-02 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 131072 CONCAT - RW

sd rz1-01 rootvol-02 0 131056 16 rz1 rz1

sd rz1-02 rootvol-02 16 0 131056 rz1 rz1

v swapvol swap ENABLED ACTIVE 261616 ROUND

pl swapvol-01 swapvol DISABLED NODEVICE 261616 CONCAT - RW

sd rz0b-01 swapvol-01 0 0 261616 rz0b -

pl swapvol-02 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 261616 CONCAT - RW

sd rz1b-01 swapvol-02 0 0 261616 rz1b rz1b