::: NETWORK :::/└ ::: SWITCH :::
Alteon AD3 설정 메뉴얼
2008. 9. 17. 14:30
Alteon AD3 설정 메뉴얼
내용 ? Alteon AceDirector 3 (AD3) 장비 설정
1. 콘솔 터미널 연결 설정
1-1. 콘솔 연결 및 하이퍼터미널 실행(시작 -> 프로그램 -> 보조프로그램 -> 통신 -> 하이퍼터미널)
? Bits per second (baud): 9600
? Data bits: 8
? Parity: None
? Stop bits: 1
? Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
1-2. 부팅후 기본 패스워드로 로그인
Version from FLASH image1, factory default config block.
Enter password:adminß----------화면에 표시되지 않음 (기본 패스워드)
System Information at 9:23:27 Fri Mar 9, 2007
Alteon AD3
Switch is up 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 22 seconds.
Last boot: 9:23:04 Fri Mar 9, 2007 (reset from console)
MAC address: aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa IP (If 1) address:
Hardware Revision: B
Hardware Part No: AAA_AA-A_AA-A
Software Version (FLASH image1), factory default configuration.
[Main Menu]
info - Information Menu
stats - Statistics Menu
cfg - Configuration Menu
oper - Operations Command Menu
boot - Boot Options Menu
maint - Maintenance Menu
diff - Show pending config changes [global command]
apply - Apply pending config changes [global command]
save - Save updated config to FLASH [global command]
revert - Revert pending or applied changes [global command]
exit - Exit [global command, always available]
>> Main#
2. IP 설정
2-1. IP 설정 메뉴
>> Main# /cfg/ip
[IP Menu]
if - Interface Menu
gw - Default Gateway Menu
route - Static Route Menu
frwd - Forwarding Menu
rip1 - Routing Information Protocol Menu
bgp - Border Gateway Protocol Menu
port - IP Port Menu
dns - Domain Name System Menu
bootp - Bootstrap Protocol Relay Menu
rearp - Set re-ARP period in minutes
metrc - Set default gateway metric
cur - Display current IP configuration
>> IP#
2-2. IP 설정 예시
>> IP# if
Enter interface number: (1-256) 1
[IP Interface 1 Menu]
addr - Set IP address
mask - Set subnet mask
broad - Set broadcast address
vlan - Set VLAN number
relay - Enable/disable BOOTP relay
ena - Enable IP interface
dis - Disable IP interface
del - Delete IP interface
cur - Display current interface configuration
>> IP Interface 1# addr
Current IP address:
New pending IP address:
Current subnet mask:
New pending subnet mask:
Current broadcast address:
New pending broadcast address:
>> IP Interface 1# ena
Current status: enabled
New status: enabled
>> IP Interface 1#
2-3. Gateway 설정 예시
>> IP# gw
Enter default gateway number: (1-4) 1
[Default gateway 1 Menu]
addr - Set IP address
intr - Set interval between ping attempts
retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare gateway DOWN
arp - Enable/disable ARP only health checks
ena - Enable default gateway
dis - Disable default gateway
del - Delete default gateway
cur - Display current default gateway configuration
>> Default gateway 1# addr
Current IP address:
New pending IP address:
>> Default gateway 1# ena
Current status: enabled
New status: enabled
>> Default gateway 1#
2-4. IP 설정 확인 (apply 명령어로 적용시킨후 확인 가능)
>> IP# cur
Current IP configuration:
rearp 10, gw metric strict
Current interfaces:
1:, vlan 1, enabled
Current default gateways:
1:, intr 2, retry 8, arp disabled, enabled
Current static routes:
Current IP forwarding settings: ON, dirbr disabled
Current local networks:
Current IP port settings:
1: ON
2: ON
3: ON
4: ON
5: ON
6: ON
7: ON
8: ON
9: ON
Current RIP settings:
OFF, update 30
split horizon
Current BGP configuration: OFF
Current BGP peer configuration:
Current BGP filter configuration:
Current DNS settings:,, none
Current BOOTP relay settings: OFF,
Note: there are pending config changes; use "diff" to see them.
3. 포트 링크 설정
3-1. 포트 모드 설정 및 스피드 설정
# /cfg/po 1[포트번호]
# fast
# speed 100
# mode full
# auto off
3-2. auto negotiation 설정
# /cfg/po 1[포트번호]
# fast
# speed any
# mode any
# auto on
4. SLB(Server Load Balancing)
4-1. SLB 설정 메뉴
>> Main# cfg/slb
[Layer 4 Menu]
real - Real Server Menu
group - Real Server Group Menu
virt - Virtual Server Menu
filt - Filtering Menu
port - Layer 4 Port Menu
gslb - Global SLB Menu
layer7 - Layer 7 Resource Definition Menu
sync - Config Synch Menu
adv - Layer 4 Advanced Menu
on - Globally turn Layer 4 processing ON
off - Globally turn Layer 4 processing OFF
cur - Display current Layer 4 configuration
4-2. 리얼 서버 설정
>> Layer 4# real 1
[Real server 1 Menu]
layer7 - Layer 7 Command Menu
rip - Set IP addr of real server
name - Set server name
weight - Set server weight
maxcon - Set maximum number of connections
tmout - Set minutes inactive connection remains open
backup - Set backup real server
inter - Set interval between health checks
retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare server DOWN
restr - Set number of successful attempts to declare server UP
addport - Add real port to server
remport - Remove real port from server
remote - Enable/disable remote site operation
proxy - Enable/disable client proxy operation
submac - Enable/disable source MAC address substitution
ena - Enable real server
dis - Disable real server
del - Delete real server
cur - Display current real server configuration
# /cfg/slb/real 1 <- 리얼서버 번호 1 지정
# rip
# enable
# /cfg/slb/real 1 <- 리얼서버 번호 2 지정
# rip
# enable
# /cfg/slb/real 1 <- 리얼서버 번호 3 지정
# rip
# enable
4-3. 리얼 서버 그룹 설정
>> Main# cfg/slb/group 1
[Real server group 1 Menu]
metric - Set metric used to select next server in group
content - Set health check content
health - Set health check type
backup - Set backup real server or group
name - Set real server group name
realthr - Set real server failure threshold
viphlth - Enable/disable VIP health checking in DSR mode
add - Add real server
rem - Remove real server
del - Delete real server group
cur - Display current group configuration
# add 1/add 2/add 3 <- 리얼 IP 를 그룹 1번에 지정
# health http <- Health Check 타입을 설정
health link|arp|icmp|tcp|http|dns|pop3|smtp|nntp|ftp|imap|radius|sslh|script<n>|udpdns|ldap
# metric hash <- metric hash 방식으로 지정(동일한 유저로 부터의 서비스요청 ? 동일한 서버연결)
metric leastconns|roundrobin|minmisses|hash|response|bandwidth
4-4. 가상 서버 설정
>> Main# cfg/slb/virt 1
[Virtual Server 1 Menu]
service - Virtual Service Menu
vip - Set IP addr of virtual server
dname - Set domain name of virtual server
layr3 - Enable/disable layer 3 only balancing
ena - Enable virtual server
dis - Disable virtual server
del - Delete virtual server
cur - Display current virtual configuration
# vip <- virtual IP 지정
# enable
# service http <- 서비스 포트 번호, Well-Known 포트의 경우는 서비스 이름으로 지정
4-5. 클라이언트 / 서버 포트 지정
>> Main# cfg/slb/port 1
[SLB port 1 Menu]
client - Enable/disable client processing
server - Enable/disable server processing
rts - Enable/disable RTS processing
hotstan - Enable/disable hot-standby processing
intersw - Enable/disable inter-switch processing
proxy - Enable/disable use of PIP for ingress traffic
pip - Set Proxy IP address for port
filt - Enable/disable filtering
add - Add filter to port
rem - Remove filter from port
idslb - Enable/disable intrusion detection server load balancing
cur - Display current port configuration
# client enable
# server enable
다른 포트에서도 동일한 설정(어느 포트에서도 서비스 가능케하기 위함)
기본적으로는 라우터에서 오는 포트를 client로 설정
리얼서버가 연결된 포트에 server로 설정
4-6. SLB 기능 활성화
# /cfg/slb/on
# apply <- 설정사항 적용
# save <- 설정사항을 메모리에 저장
5. Direct Access Mode
- 유저가 리얼서버로 직접 서비스 요청시 적용
- 리얼서버가 여러 개의 VIP를 지원하게 되는 경우
# /cfg/slb/adv/direct enable
내용 ? Alteon AceDirector 3 (AD3) 장비 설정
1. 콘솔 터미널 연결 설정
1-1. 콘솔 연결 및 하이퍼터미널 실행(시작 -> 프로그램 -> 보조프로그램 -> 통신 -> 하이퍼터미널)
? Bits per second (baud): 9600
? Data bits: 8
? Parity: None
? Stop bits: 1
? Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
1-2. 부팅후 기본 패스워드로 로그인
Version from FLASH image1, factory default config block.
Enter password:adminß----------화면에 표시되지 않음 (기본 패스워드)
System Information at 9:23:27 Fri Mar 9, 2007
Alteon AD3
Switch is up 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 22 seconds.
Last boot: 9:23:04 Fri Mar 9, 2007 (reset from console)
MAC address: aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa IP (If 1) address:
Hardware Revision: B
Hardware Part No: AAA_AA-A_AA-A
Software Version (FLASH image1), factory default configuration.
[Main Menu]
info - Information Menu
stats - Statistics Menu
cfg - Configuration Menu
oper - Operations Command Menu
boot - Boot Options Menu
maint - Maintenance Menu
diff - Show pending config changes [global command]
apply - Apply pending config changes [global command]
save - Save updated config to FLASH [global command]
revert - Revert pending or applied changes [global command]
exit - Exit [global command, always available]
>> Main#
2. IP 설정
2-1. IP 설정 메뉴
>> Main# /cfg/ip
[IP Menu]
if - Interface Menu
gw - Default Gateway Menu
route - Static Route Menu
frwd - Forwarding Menu
rip1 - Routing Information Protocol Menu
bgp - Border Gateway Protocol Menu
port - IP Port Menu
dns - Domain Name System Menu
bootp - Bootstrap Protocol Relay Menu
rearp - Set re-ARP period in minutes
metrc - Set default gateway metric
cur - Display current IP configuration
>> IP#
2-2. IP 설정 예시
>> IP# if
Enter interface number: (1-256) 1
[IP Interface 1 Menu]
addr - Set IP address
mask - Set subnet mask
broad - Set broadcast address
vlan - Set VLAN number
relay - Enable/disable BOOTP relay
ena - Enable IP interface
dis - Disable IP interface
del - Delete IP interface
cur - Display current interface configuration
>> IP Interface 1# addr
Current IP address:
New pending IP address:
Current subnet mask:
New pending subnet mask:
Current broadcast address:
New pending broadcast address:
>> IP Interface 1# ena
Current status: enabled
New status: enabled
>> IP Interface 1#
2-3. Gateway 설정 예시
>> IP# gw
Enter default gateway number: (1-4) 1
[Default gateway 1 Menu]
addr - Set IP address
intr - Set interval between ping attempts
retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare gateway DOWN
arp - Enable/disable ARP only health checks
ena - Enable default gateway
dis - Disable default gateway
del - Delete default gateway
cur - Display current default gateway configuration
>> Default gateway 1# addr
Current IP address:
New pending IP address:
>> Default gateway 1# ena
Current status: enabled
New status: enabled
>> Default gateway 1#
2-4. IP 설정 확인 (apply 명령어로 적용시킨후 확인 가능)
>> IP# cur
Current IP configuration:
rearp 10, gw metric strict
Current interfaces:
1:, vlan 1, enabled
Current default gateways:
1:, intr 2, retry 8, arp disabled, enabled
Current static routes:
Current IP forwarding settings: ON, dirbr disabled
Current local networks:
Current IP port settings:
1: ON
2: ON
3: ON
4: ON
5: ON
6: ON
7: ON
8: ON
9: ON
Current RIP settings:
OFF, update 30
split horizon
Current BGP configuration: OFF
Current BGP peer configuration:
Current BGP filter configuration:
Current DNS settings:,, none
Current BOOTP relay settings: OFF,
Note: there are pending config changes; use "diff" to see them.
3. 포트 링크 설정
3-1. 포트 모드 설정 및 스피드 설정
# /cfg/po 1[포트번호]
# fast
# speed 100
# mode full
# auto off
3-2. auto negotiation 설정
# /cfg/po 1[포트번호]
# fast
# speed any
# mode any
# auto on
4. SLB(Server Load Balancing)
4-1. SLB 설정 메뉴
>> Main# cfg/slb
[Layer 4 Menu]
real - Real Server Menu
group - Real Server Group Menu
virt - Virtual Server Menu
filt - Filtering Menu
port - Layer 4 Port Menu
gslb - Global SLB Menu
layer7 - Layer 7 Resource Definition Menu
sync - Config Synch Menu
adv - Layer 4 Advanced Menu
on - Globally turn Layer 4 processing ON
off - Globally turn Layer 4 processing OFF
cur - Display current Layer 4 configuration
4-2. 리얼 서버 설정
>> Layer 4# real 1
[Real server 1 Menu]
layer7 - Layer 7 Command Menu
rip - Set IP addr of real server
name - Set server name
weight - Set server weight
maxcon - Set maximum number of connections
tmout - Set minutes inactive connection remains open
backup - Set backup real server
inter - Set interval between health checks
retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare server DOWN
restr - Set number of successful attempts to declare server UP
addport - Add real port to server
remport - Remove real port from server
remote - Enable/disable remote site operation
proxy - Enable/disable client proxy operation
submac - Enable/disable source MAC address substitution
ena - Enable real server
dis - Disable real server
del - Delete real server
cur - Display current real server configuration
# /cfg/slb/real 1 <- 리얼서버 번호 1 지정
# rip
# enable
# /cfg/slb/real 1 <- 리얼서버 번호 2 지정
# rip
# enable
# /cfg/slb/real 1 <- 리얼서버 번호 3 지정
# rip
# enable
4-3. 리얼 서버 그룹 설정
>> Main# cfg/slb/group 1
[Real server group 1 Menu]
metric - Set metric used to select next server in group
content - Set health check content
health - Set health check type
backup - Set backup real server or group
name - Set real server group name
realthr - Set real server failure threshold
viphlth - Enable/disable VIP health checking in DSR mode
add - Add real server
rem - Remove real server
del - Delete real server group
cur - Display current group configuration
# add 1/add 2/add 3 <- 리얼 IP 를 그룹 1번에 지정
# health http <- Health Check 타입을 설정
health link|arp|icmp|tcp|http|dns|pop3|smtp|nntp|ftp|imap|radius|sslh|script<n>|udpdns|ldap
# metric hash <- metric hash 방식으로 지정(동일한 유저로 부터의 서비스요청 ? 동일한 서버연결)
metric leastconns|roundrobin|minmisses|hash|response|bandwidth
4-4. 가상 서버 설정
>> Main# cfg/slb/virt 1
[Virtual Server 1 Menu]
service - Virtual Service Menu
vip - Set IP addr of virtual server
dname - Set domain name of virtual server
layr3 - Enable/disable layer 3 only balancing
ena - Enable virtual server
dis - Disable virtual server
del - Delete virtual server
cur - Display current virtual configuration
# vip <- virtual IP 지정
# enable
# service http <- 서비스 포트 번호, Well-Known 포트의 경우는 서비스 이름으로 지정
4-5. 클라이언트 / 서버 포트 지정
>> Main# cfg/slb/port 1
[SLB port 1 Menu]
client - Enable/disable client processing
server - Enable/disable server processing
rts - Enable/disable RTS processing
hotstan - Enable/disable hot-standby processing
intersw - Enable/disable inter-switch processing
proxy - Enable/disable use of PIP for ingress traffic
pip - Set Proxy IP address for port
filt - Enable/disable filtering
add - Add filter to port
rem - Remove filter from port
idslb - Enable/disable intrusion detection server load balancing
cur - Display current port configuration
# client enable
# server enable
다른 포트에서도 동일한 설정(어느 포트에서도 서비스 가능케하기 위함)
기본적으로는 라우터에서 오는 포트를 client로 설정
리얼서버가 연결된 포트에 server로 설정
4-6. SLB 기능 활성화
# /cfg/slb/on
# apply <- 설정사항 적용
# save <- 설정사항을 메모리에 저장
5. Direct Access Mode
- 유저가 리얼서버로 직접 서비스 요청시 적용
- 리얼서버가 여러 개의 VIP를 지원하게 되는 경우
# /cfg/slb/adv/direct enable